The Mayor of
Thuringowa, Cr. Les Tyrell was amongst distinguished guests
present when the final event of the 42nd Australian National
Tenpin Bowling Championships was officially opened this morning
by the Hon. Mike Reynolds AM MP, Member for Townsville and
Minister Assisting the Premier in North Queensland.
Teams from every State and Territory of Australia, an invitational
team from New Zealand and, for the first time, teams representing
both South and North Queensland, began the ceremony with
a colourful march-past, accompanied by the event’s tropical
theme music – THE HEAT IS ON.
The athletes in the Walter Rachuig Interstate Teams tournament
exemplify the pathways that the sport of tenpin bowling
has created. With bowlers often starting in junior ranks,
and progressing through local and regional competition,
the honour of State representation is highly sought after.
Mike Reynolds and Les Tyrell warmly welcomed visitors to
the twin cities of Thuringowa/Townsville, acknowledging
the significant impact that the National Championships bring
to the region. A special connection to the sport was recognised
when TBA Chair, Peter Coburn, presented Mayor Tyrell with
a plaque commemorating the highlight of his league bowling
career – a 225 high game.
Another significant aspect of the sport’s appeal was highlighted
in this morning’s ceremony when Tracey Nunan from Sporting
Wheelies and Disabled Sport & Recreation Association
of Queensland explained the sport’s involvement in an initiative
aimed to integrate athletes with a disability into mainstream
competition via the PROJECT CONNECT program.
“This is an exciting time for tenpin bowling….Project Connect
presents an opportunity for Tenpin Bowling Australia to
get more people with a disability involved in this great
sport” she said at today’s Opening. “Over the next couple
of years Tenpin will work with the Australian Sports Commission,
the Australian Paralympic Committee and a host of other
agencies, including Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association,
to create opportunities for people with a disability, from
grass roots to elite levels” she continued.
“Project Connect is a transition program for sports to
help them establish a Disability Action Plan” she said.
“In this sense it’s a starting point for many sports, not
an end point. “Tenpin is already one of the leading sports
in the country with regard to the inclusion of people with
a disability. “Their leading role was recognised by the
Australian Sports Commission in being selected as one of
only six targeted sports in the first year of Project Connect”
she stated.
Australia is recognised as a world leader in the development
of opportunities in sport for people with a disability and
the two main focus areas of the program are creating athlete
pathways and breaking down the barriers within sport structures
for people with a disability.
“PROJECT CONNECT was launched twelve months ago as a joint
venture between the Australian Sports Commission and the
Australian Paralympic Committee”, said TBA CEO, Alex Popov.
“CONNECT stands for Creating Opportunities Nationally through
Networks in Education” he explained.
A moving rendition of the national anthem by local bowler,
Camille Herring followed by the reading of the Oath of Sportsmanship
by WTBA World Championship Gold Medallist, Michael Little,
set the stage for an exciting three days of intense competition
in the Walter Rachuig Trophy event.
At the end of play on Day One of the competition, South
Queensland leads the combined points tally on 53.5 points,
with New South Wales second just half a point behind on
53, and novice entrants North Queensland in third place
just half a point off the pace on 52.5 points.
Play resumes at 9am tomorrow morning for a further six
games of head to head bowling action between the cream of
the country’s bowlers.
The tournament is the finale of a three-week festival of
bowling at both Kirwan and Currajong Bowling Centres and
spectators are welcome to attend - admission is free.
Full scores and photographs from the Walter Rachuig Trophy
and Nationals events completed to date can be viewed on
TBA’s official website