performances well exceeding their entering averages by bowlers
from the Northern Territory have helped the Territory team
surge to the lead in both the Men’s and Women’s divisions
of the Walter de Veer Teams tournament at the 42nd Australian
Tenpin Bowling National Championships currently underway
in Townsville/Thuringowa.
After 12 games, Darwin bowlers Andrew Krink, Tania Thompson
and Renata Maglieri all feature in the top four placings
of individual scores, with handicap.
“They have put a lot of work into their teamwork this year”
said TBA former Chairperson, June Voukolos. “They have been
practising every week for seven months, and after the Men
won last year, they are determined not to let the title
go…..they are really working at being a team, and this is
a big plus for them” she added.
Local bowler Colin Reese from Ayr tops the list of individual
high scorers, based on handicap, in the Men’s division,
with Sue-Anne Welch from the Perth suburb of Success leading
the Women’s division, averaging 15.8 above her entering
average for the Walter de Veer tournament. Cairns bowler
Betty Pacher from Woree has also produced a strong performance,
finishing 14.4 above her entering average after the second
day’s 6-game block.
Yesterday’s top High Game bowler, Garry Lee from Launceston,
has maintained his form, finishing 21.8 ahead of his entering
average, although not matching the 25.4 above-average score
posted to date by North Queensland’s Colin Reese.
Play resumes for the third and final day of the event at
9am tomorrow morning, with the competition scheduled to
finish around 4.30 pm tomorrow afternoon.
Live scores and photographs from the Walter de Veer Memorial
tournament can be viewed on TBA’s official website -www.tenpin.org.au.