There have been
many firsts at the 42nd Australian National Tenpin Bowling
Championships but surely the least memorable is the inaugural
Lured by the apparent ease of bowling 200 plus games at
Kirwan Tenpin and Squash these days, the staff and TBA tournament
team held what could only loosely be described as a match
last night – and as they say in the classics, the pictures
say more than a thousand words!
Your anonymous reporter is not brave enough to record the
scores achieved but here are some memorable quotes (and
excuses) from the evening :-
“You guys are lunatics” Therese W
“No carry!” Peter C
“A bit of a Brooklyn there, mate” Alex P
“I’ll shout you a trip to Tassie if you make this” Ian W
to Barry D
“I’ve got arthritis” Ian W
“Very ordinary – you can’t get it over the hole” Ian W
“I’m getting old!” Alex P
“One finger – I’m only using one finger” said Ian W, brandishing
his “finger” to the team
“Alex is a bit of a natural” Lynne C
“Can’t wait for the Chevron” Alex P
“I had the right of the wood” John D
“These shots are getting lazier” anon
“Where is Zac???” lamented Ian W
“OK, so now I’m going to try to be serious and my score
will probably be worse” Ian W
“Did Ian (Nicholls) spare that!!??” Carmel C
“That’s how you do it!! (after Ronda and Ian W shot a 7-10
split in unison.
“It’s the mechanic out the back knocking them over” Barry
D commenting on Peter C’s sudden return to form
“That was impossible – you got the middle pin” Barry D impressed
by Alex P
“That was in the pocket” … Ian “Mr. Cool” N
“It’s your go, mate” Ian W to who knows who
“Yellow card for dissention” after an unfortunate, unnamed
player dropped a towel in front of the Centre Proprietor
“Pretty Boy!” Alex P commenting on Ian W’s antics on the
“There are no rules in the book going to make me change
that!” Ian W
“Where’s the baseball bat!!?” Barry D
“We know where they live!” Alex P
“Let’s go, Victoria” Ian W (confusing tactic to worry his
opponents, and swaying his hips after another Strike)
“Way to go Aline!” anon
“Let’s go, Ronda, let’s go” Chorus
“You’ve got some style about you” Ian W after watching Ronda
tidy up another spare
“I reckon these Rachuig teams will have to look out for
themselves!” Lynne C (obviously needing new glasses)
“We can be the pacer team next year!” Ian W
“Who’s put powder in the players area?” Ian W innocently
after sprinkling Johnson’s Baby powder everywhere….
“Smells like home!” quipped Alex P
“Carmel, how did you get three strikes in a row!!!? “ Ian
W suspiciously
“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know! Carmel C
“Have you been drinking alcohol? Carmel to Ian W
“I’ve been practising hitting the 7 pin all night….haven’t
missed it once” Alex P
“Anyone else like a drink?” Ian W – host extraordinaire
of the Terrible Tournament Team tournament….aiming for “T”
grade at next year’s Nationals
“Alex is going all right!” Kathy S
“It’s not often you see two gutter balls and a Strike!”
Peter C
”Ask Peter if he needs a lend of my glasses” John G
“The purple socks where only outclasses by the purple bra
and g-string” anon re anon