Australian Tenpin Bowling Championships
Competitor Prize Money
Survey Results
Q1. Keep the entry fees
and prize fund structure intact? |
Yes |
164 |
No |
35 |
Q2. If TBA reduced the
entry fee for Nationals, would you be in favour of
receiveing first, second & third medallions only
in lieu of a prize fund cheque? |
Yes |
97 |
No |
103 |
Q2. If TBA reduced the
entry fee for Nationals, would you be in favour of
receiveing first, second & third chevrons only
in lieu of a prize fund cheque? |
Yes |
44 |
No |
143 |
Competitor Survey Results
Q 1. Are the Championships
in Townsville the first time you have attended a Tenpin
Bowling Australia National Championship event? |
Yes |
72 (27%) |
No |
190 (73%) |
Q 2. If you answered
NO to Question 1, please list how many times you have
attended a National Championship Event |
Average Times |
8.45 |
Q 3. How did you travel
to Townsville? |
Car |
51 (19%) |
Train |
2 (1%) |
Plane |
191 (73%) |
Bus |
0 (0%) |
Live in T'ville |
18 (7%) |
Q 4. If you arrived
by plane, which airline did you fly? |
Qantas |
145 (76%) |
Virgin |
46 (24%) |
Q 5. How long are you
intending to stay in Townsville? |
Average Stay |
10.3 Days |
Q 6. Are you staying
with friends and family, or in an accommodation house? |
Friends/Family |
16 (7%) |
Accommodation |
228 (93%) |
Q 7. If you are staying
in an accommodation house, please list which type |
Hotel |
76 (32%) |
Apartment |
149 (63%) |
Caravan |
11 (5%) |
Q 8. How many people
are travelling with you?
a) Bowlers |
Average Bowlers |
11.35 |
b) Supporters/Family |
Average Supporters |
4.9 |
Q 9. Are you staying in the Townsville
area before or after you complete your bowling program? |
Yes |
141 (59%) |
No |
99 (41%) |
Q 10. How did you receive
your event entry form? |
Website |
51 (20%) |
Bowling Centre |
140 (55%) |
Other |
63 (25%) |
Q 11. At home, how often
do you bowl on average per week? |
Average times bowling per week |
2.1 |
Q 12. Will you be bowling
in the 2004 National Championships at Forest Hill
in Melbourne? |
Yes |
152 (59%) |
No |
5 (2%) |
Unsure |
102 (39%) |
Q 13. How did you rate
your bowling experience at this tournament? |
Excellent |
65 (25%) |
Very Good |
95 (37%) |
Good |
65 (25%) |
Fair |
27 (11%) |
Poor |
4 (2%) |
Q 14. Do you visit the
TBA Website www.tenpin.org.au? |
Yes |
190 (78%) |
No |
54 (22%) |
if Yes, approximately how often? |
Daily |
28 (16%) |
Weekly |
85 (49%) |
Fortnightly |
20 (12%) |
Monthly |
40 (23%) |