42nd Australian Tenpin Bowling Championships

Competitor Prize Money Survey Results
Q1. Keep the entry fees and prize fund structure intact?
Yes 164   No 35
Q2. If TBA reduced the entry fee for Nationals, would you be in favour of receiveing first, second & third medallions only in lieu of a prize fund cheque?
Yes 97   No 103
Q2. If TBA reduced the entry fee for Nationals, would you be in favour of receiveing first, second & third chevrons only in lieu of a prize fund cheque?
Yes 44   No 143

Competitor Survey Results
Q 1. Are the Championships in Townsville the first time you have attended a Tenpin Bowling Australia National Championship event?
Yes 72 (27%) No 190 (73%)
Q 2. If you answered NO to Question 1, please list how many times you have attended a National Championship Event
Average Times 8.45    
Q 3. How did you travel to Townsville?
Car 51 (19%) Train 2 (1%) Plane 191 (73%) Bus 0 (0%) Live in T'ville 18 (7%)
Q 4. If you arrived by plane, which airline did you fly?
Qantas 145 (76%) Virgin 46 (24%)
Q 5. How long are you intending to stay in Townsville?
Average Stay 10.3 Days    
Q 6. Are you staying with friends and family, or in an accommodation house?
Friends/Family 16 (7%) Accommodation 228 (93%)
Q 7. If you are staying in an accommodation house, please list which type
Hotel 76 (32%) Apartment 149 (63%) Caravan 11 (5%)
Q 8. How many people are travelling with you?
a) Bowlers
Average Bowlers 11.35    
b) Supporters/Family
Average Supporters 4.9    
Q 9. Are you staying in the Townsville area before or after you complete your bowling program?
Yes 141 (59%) No 99 (41%)
Q 10. How did you receive your event entry form?
Website 51 (20%) Bowling Centre 140 (55%) Other 63 (25%)
Q 11. At home, how often do you bowl on average per week?
Average times bowling per week 2.1
Q 12. Will you be bowling in the 2004 National Championships at Forest Hill in Melbourne?
Yes 152 (59%) No 5 (2%) Unsure 102 (39%)
Q 13. How did you rate your bowling experience at this tournament?
Excellent 65 (25%) Very Good 95 (37%) Good 65 (25%) Fair 27 (11%) Poor 4 (2%)
Q 14. Do you visit the TBA Website www.tenpin.org.au?
Yes 190 (78%) No 54 (22%)
if Yes, approximately how often?
Daily 28 (16%) Weekly 85 (49%) Fortnightly 20 (12%) Monthly 40 (23%)
