Australian National Championships
Walter Rachuig Dinner Dance

Sportspersons Award
Winners : Emma Rutten & Sam Parrella
Chairperson's Award Winner : Andrew McArthur
TBA Director's Award Winner : Veronica McGregor
2003 Walter Rachuig Trophy Tournament All Stars
Back Row (l-r) : Robert Townsend, Zane Que, Michael Little,
Phillip Ramsay & Andrew McArthur
Front Row : Amanda Bradley, Leigh Harris, Ann-Maree Putney,
Kate Wilton & Sue Cassell
Alex Popov with Kirwan Tenpin & Squash Proprietors,
Ian & Therese Waters

The Tournament Team's Tribute and Gift of Appreication to
June Voukolos
Pictured here with TBA CEO Alex Popov