2003 Asian Schools Roll Off
7 to 9 February 2003 - Canberra International Bowl,ACT
(F5 to Refresh Scores)

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Boys Doubles Individual
Pos Name State Average G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 Total Pinfall High Game Points
1 James Coburn VIC 213.50 196 202 205 225 211 242 1281 242 16.0
2 Chris Slattery NSW 204.17 205 191 166 234 215 214 1225 234 15.0
3 Joshua Bulow NSW 203.17 184 246 185 186 193 225 1219 246 14.0
4 Luke Rowland NSW 193.83 148 158 203 236 199 219 1163 236 13.0
5 Matthew Sofia NSW 193.50 164 202 182 259 172 182 1161 259 12.0
6 Trent Cage NSW 192.83 194 199 201 167 198 198 1157 201 11.0
7 Robert O'Reilly NSW 190.83 158 211 197 182 227 170 1145 227 10.0
8 Matthew McRae NSW 188.00 168 172 180 210 153 245 1128 245 9.0
9 Stephen Cowland NSW 182.17 141 202 205 156 206 183 1093 206 8.0
10 Stephen Reynolds NSW 180.67 130 160 202 226 171 195 1084 226 7.0
11 David Porto VIC 179.50 147 190 194 185 141 220 1077 220 6.0
12 Tobias Fallas NSW 178.83 128 201 187 195 180 182 1073 201 5.0
13 Zacharie Waters QLD 171.50 151 183 202 190 160 143 1029 202 4.0
14 Jason Taafe VIC 170.00 151 137 212 150 201 169 1020 212 3.0
15 Matthew Sing NSW 169.17 160 149 145 182 179 200 1015 200 2.0
16 Alex Winch QLD 168.33 158 180 163 205 123 181 1010 205 1.0
Girls Doubles Individual
Pos Name State Average G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 Total Pinfall High Game Points
1 Louise Ingoe SA 194.83 213 193 187 183 213 180 1169 213 13.0
2 Kate Murry QLD 194.17 208 166 151 200 228 212 1165 228 12.0
3 Lauren Rochester NSW 191.00 177 198 189 190 170 222 1146 222 11.0
4 Amanda Frost QLD 190.33 173 157 215 188 193 216 1142 216 10.0
5 Toni Woodcock WA 189.00 201 189 164 198 191 191 1134 201 9.0
6 Samantha Fisher NSW 187.33 177 150 179 238 189 191 1124 238 8.0
7 Tracey Madden VIC 185.00 142 180 174 188 213 213 1110 213 7.0
8 Cassie Staudinger VIC 182.83 161 193 196 193 185 169 1097 196 6.0
9 Christine Day NSW 181.17 198 188 192 169 157 183 1087 198 5.0
10 Bianca Flanagan QLD 176.50 157 188 160 190 177 187 1059 190 4.0
11 Kerry-Ann Klop SA 173.83 184 186 157 184 141 191 1043 191 3.0
12 Courtney Murdoch VIC 168.83 181 154 180 156 143 199 1013 199 2.0
13 Fiona Smydzuk NSW 165.00 192 183 158 154 166 137 990 192 1.0