For almost two
weeks, The Illawarra region of New South Wales has been buzzing
with bowling action as Junior (under 18 year-old) bowlers
from every State and Territory in Australia compete in the
sport’s annual Junior National Championships.
A major highlight of the Championships is the President’s
Shield, an Interstate teams event that reverberates for
three full days with noise, colour and action. Colourfully
dressed in distinctive State and Zone uniforms, teams of
14 bowlers (seven boys and seven girls) from ten State and
Territory Zones throughout Australia are represented in
the President’s Shield Trophy competition. Winner of the
Shield is determined by a point system and last year Victoria
won the Shield.
The tournament was officially opened this morning by The
Hon. David Campbell, NSW Minister for Regional Development,
The Illawarra and Small Business. Prior to cutting the green
and gold ribbons that signalled the official opening of
the tournament, David Campbell spoke of the importance of
participation of youth in sport. He congratulated Tenpin
Bowling on its inclusion in the forthcoming Commonwealth
Youth Games and acknowledged two local bowlers - Stephen
Reynolds from Wollongong and Stephen Cowland from Blackbutt
- two of the 20-person Training Squad from which Australia’s
Commonwealth Youth Games team will soon be selected.
Representing the Mayor of the City of Shellharbour, Deputy
Mayor Michele Greig welcomed visitors to the region and
explained the Council’s strong focus on sport for youth
in the City. The Council generously provided a Community
Bus on loan to the Shield Team from Northern New South Wales
that had been stranded following the theft of their bus
from Warrawong on Monday evening. “Local media rallied to
our support” said Team Manager James McGinty from Coffs
Harbour. “The bus was recovered within 24 hours, but Council’s
gesture in supplying the replacement Bus to our Team while
repairs are carried out typifies the generosity and hospitality
of the Illawarra region to all of the hundreds of visitors
here for the National Championships,” he added.
Other eminent guests at the Opening Ceremony included Mr.
Peter Finlayson, CEO of AMF Australia. Guests were greeted
by Centre Proprietor and MC for today’s Opening, Andrew
Frawley and TBA Chairperson, Peter Coburn, TBA Board member
Nell Weir and CEO of TBA, Alex Popov.
The noisy exuberance of supporters increases daily and
an exciting finish to this event is guaranteed on Friday.
Spectators are welcome to Illawarra StrikeZone Bowling Centre
to see and hear the fun and skill of tenpin bowling, which
consistently features in official surveys of the top ten
participation sports in Australia.
Scores can be viewed live each day on the website of the
sport’s national governing body, Tenpin Bowling Australia,