45th Australian National Championship
Format and Rules For 2006 Australian Open Masters
These rules for the 2006 Australian Open Masters are linked to the Walter Rachuig Trophy Tournament and are designed to encourage all our country’s elite bowlers to compete at Rachuig and ultimately compete in a ranked event, with prize money, as a result. The new Australian Open Masters has been included on the 2006 National Rankings Tours and will include a significant prize fund and double ranking points.
Eligibility - This is a scratch event which is open to all adult bowlers affiliated with Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited. To be eligible to compete in the final, every bowler (including the Defending Champions) must have completed an “All Events" entry in the TBA Australian Tenpin Bowling Championship.

Qualifying - Qualifying series will be the highest three (3) game singles or doubles attempt bowled during the TBA Australian Tenpin Bowling Championship until completion of the 12.30pm squad on Friday 27th October. Any Singles or Doubles attempt used for qualifying will incur an additional qualifying fee of $10.00 (Ten dollars) which must be paid prior to the squad in which the bowler is participating.

Seedings - Seeded number one will be the Defending champion, if still eligible. Seeded number two to four will be next top 3 qualifiers from the TBA Australian Tenpin Bowling Championship. Seeded five to sixteen will be the twelve top averages from the Walter Rachuig Trophy Tournament seeded in order of average obtained over a minimum of 12 games during Walter Rachuig Trophy Tournament

State and Territory Masters Champions will be seeded amongst the qualifiers based upon their highest Singles or Doubles attempt. If any State or Territory Masters Champion does not exercise their right to participate in the Final, the number of qualifying positions available will be increased by one for each right not exercised.

Seeded seventeen to forty will be the next top 24 qualifiers from the TBA Australian Tenpin Bowling Championship. If there is a duplication of qualifiers after Walter Rachuig Trophy Tournament then that bowlers highest seeding position will apply and the next highest reserve will fill the position.

Final – Round 1
Bowlers seeded positions 1 through 4 will receive a double round bye to Round 3
Bowlers seeded positions 5 through 16 will receive a single round bye to Round 2
Bowlers filling qualifying positions 17 through 40 will compete in Round 1 single elimination format. Each match will be the best of 5 games.

If a player fails to check-in for the Finals, the highest available non-qualifier will be invited to replace the absent player. After the first match, no further replacements will be permitted. Non-appearance will result in forfeiture of the match with the player present bowling without opposition, and advancing to the next round.

All players will be given practice on the pair of lanes assigned for their single elimination match.

Final – Round 2
Bowlers seeded positions 5 through 16 will be seeded and compete against the winners from Round 1. Each match will be the best of 5 games.
Final – Round 3
Bowlers seeded positions 1 through 4 will be seeded and compete against the winners from Round 2. Each match will be the best of 5 games.
Final – Round 4
Winners from Round 3 will compete in a single elimination format. Each match will be the best of 5 games. Round 4 Losers will finish 5th equal for the purposes of prize fund distribution.
Final – Semi Final
Winners from the Quarter Finals will compete in a single elimination format. Each match will be the best of 5 games. Semi Final Losers will finish 3rd for the purposes of prize fund distribution.
Final – Grand Final
Winners from the Semi Finals will compete in a single elimination format. Each match will be the best of 5 games. The Winner will be declared the 2006 Australian Masters Championship.

Ties - In the event of any ties in a match, total pinfall over the 5 games in a match will determine the winner of that match. Any subsequent tie will require a 10th frame playoff until the tie is broken.

Check-in Times Final
Men & Women (including those receiving byes) — Final Check-in by 4.00pm Friday 27th October 2006
Note: Bowlers not checked by designated check-in time will be replaced with the next highest reserve.
The Defending Champions receive a free entry.


  • 1st PLACE - $2000.00, Trophy, Medallion, Shirt, Free Entry to the TBA Australian Open Masters
  • 2nd PLACE - $1000.00 & Medallion
  • 3rd equal - $750.00 Each Plus Medallion
  • 5th equal - $500.00 Each

* Prize fund distribution is conditional upon a minimum of 300 qualifying attempts in each division. Sponsorship has already been secured for the remainder of the prize fund.

45th Australian Tenpin Bowling Championships
Proudly Sponsored by

October 11th to October 28th, 2006