46th Australian  National Championship
Oztenpin Bowl, Altona - September 30th to October 20th, 2007

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Welcome to the 46th Adult National Championship Results Web Pages

The first National Championship was held at
Rushcutter Bowl, Sydney NSW in 1962
The first Walter Rachuig Trophy event was held in 1963 as a
 separate event from the Nationals, the two joined together in 1977.

The Walter De Veer Trophy event was first held in 1996 as a state /zone
 based event, this year the format has been changed to include
the Intercentre Cup  and is now called the Walter De Veer Restricted Challenge
This event is a five (5) person team event based on a handicap of 100% of 210.
All Bowling Centres, Local Associations, Area Associations
or any non State/Territory representative group of bowlers
are eligible to enter one or more teams.

This year the inaugural Seniors Teams Challenge is being held,
the format of this event is based on international
championships eg the Womens World.
 This event is the same format as the TBA Youth Teams Challenge
 held each year in January

Copyright © Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited. All rights reserved.
Scores compiled and Scoring Web Pages design by Ian Nicholls Melbourne Australia
Tenpin Bowling Webmaster and Web Designer  for  Tenpin Bowling Australia