The following are links to information on this page:
Official Photographer |
Hero Emails |
Championship Photo Album |
Walter Rachuig History |
AMF Food Specials
2012 Tenpin Bowling Australia's Adult Championship
A three week carnival of tenpin bowling competition between individual players and teams from every State and Territory of Australia, and New Zealand.
Highlights include:
• 5th National Restricted Teams Challenge – 9 - 11 October 2012
• 6th National Seniors Team Challenge
– 16 - 18 October 2012
• 50th Walter Rachuig Trophy Tournament – 23 - 25 October 2012
(see below for
further information)
• AMF Australian Masters with $110,000+ prize fund
– 26 & 27 October 2012
Food Specials at AMF Rooty Hill RSL
• AMF have this year again, a special
food menu for the 2012 Adult Championship and AMF Masters.
2012 Menu

50th Year of the Walter Rachuig Trophy Tournament
This year is the 50th year of Rachuig, during this years event we invite all bowlers especially past bowlers who have participated in the event to join us in the
celebration of the first 50 years of Rachuig at AMF Rooty Hill RSL.
Over the first 49 years according to the records on the website, there have been 885 different Men who have bowled a total of 36,836 games
with a average of 41.6 games each. Also 789 different Women have bowled a total of 35,863 games
with a average of 45.4 games each.
Women's Records
New Pages for the 50th Walter Rachuig Trophy Tournament
• Photo album for 50 years of Rachuig
plus separate photo albums for years 2002 to
• Web page for Rachuig averages for each team from 2004 to current year .
Official Photographer
Natalie Page Photography has been selected as the Photographer for the 51st Australian Adult National
For further information and to view samples click the following link -
Natalie Page Photography
2012 Adult Championship Photo Album
• Photos will be added to this
during the Championship. This will include photos from the Cups, Challenges,
Rachuig and the Masters