Please check back here as results are regularly added
2005 Results | 2004 Results | 2003 Results | 2002 Results

2006 National Rankings Tour

2006 Youth Teams Challenge
2006 National Youth Cup

Werribee SuperBowl, Vic
January 21st to 26th, 2005

13th Asian Youth Tenpin Bowling Championship
Fairlanes City Bowl, WA
Febraury 1st to 10th, 2006
36th Australian Junior National Championship
AMF Tuggeranong, ACT
April 14th to 30th, 2006
1st TBA National Disability Championship
AMF Castle Hill, NSW
June 3rd to 9th, 2006
III Commonwealth Tenpin Bowling Championship
OzTenpin Altona, Vic
July 1st to 10th, 2006
9th World Youth Tenpin Bowling Championship
Berlin, Germany
July 21st to 30th, 2006
16th Men's World Championship
Busan, Korea
August 29th to September 9th, 2006
45th Australian National Championships
AMF Moonah, Tas
October 11th to 28th, 2006
42nd AMF Bowling World Cup
Caracas, Venezuala
November 4th-12th, 2006
PanPacific Masters Games 2006 Pan Pacific Masters Games
Gold Coast, Qld
November 4th to 12th, 2006
9th FESPIC Games
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
November 25th to December 1st, 2006
2005 Results | 2004 Results | 2003 Results | 2002 Results