41st Australian Junior Championship                Oz Tenpin Geelong - April 9th to April 23rd, 2011
2011 President's Junior Interstate Shield

President's Junior Interstate Shield Venues and Winners
Year Centre State Boys Girls Overall
1974 Cross Roads SA     NSW
1975 Olympic ACT     SA
1976 Moonah Tas     NSW
1977 Metro NSW     NSW
1978 Fairlanes WA     NSW
1979 Chevron Qld     Vic
1980 Golden Bowl Vic     NSW
1981 Cross Roads SA     Sth Qld
1982 Moonah Tas     Sth Qld
1983 Olympic Tas     Sth Qld
1984 Mt Gravatt Qld     Sth Qld
1985 Fairlanes WA     Sth Qld
1986 Rushcutter NSW     Vic
1987 North Rockhampton Qld     Sth Qld
1988 Chadstone Vic     SA
1989 Woodville SA NSW Sth Qld NSW
1990 Moonah Tas Tas CNSW Vic
1991 Belconnen ACT SA Sth Qld / CNSW CNSW
1992 Kirwan Qld Sth Qld CNSW Sth Qld
1993 Melville WA SA Sth Qld CNSW
1994 Gosford NSW CNSW SA CNSW
1995 Clayfield Qld Sth Qld Sth Qld Sth Qld
1996 Sunshine Vic Sth Qld Sth Qld Sth Qld
1997 Bankstown NSW Vic Nth Qld Vic
1998 Gold Coast Qld SA Nth NSW WA
1999 Salisbury SA SA Sth Qld Sth Qld
2000 Canberra International Bowl ACT CNSW Sth Qld CNSW
2001 AMF Mt Gravatt Qld Sth Qld Sth Qld Sth Qld
2002 AMF Bankstown NSW Tas Nth Qld Nth Qld
2003 AMF Forest Hill Vic ACT&SNSW Vic Vic
2004 AMF Illawarra StrikeZone NSW SA Sth Qld Sth Qld
2005 Canberra International Bowl ACT SA Vic Vic
2006 AMF Tuggeranong ACT Sth Qld Vic Sth Qld
2007 Oz Tenpin Altona Vic Vic Nth NSW Vic
2008  AMF Mt Gravatt Qld WA Vic Sth NSW
2009 Warners Bay NSW Sth Qld Sth NSW Sth Qld
2010 Werribee Vic Vic WA Vic
2011 Oz Tenpin Geelong Vic      

Number of President's Interstate Shield Wins by State
State Boys Girls Overall
ACT & Southern NSW 1 - -
Murray Riverina - - -
New South Wales 1 - 6
New South Wales Central 2 2.5 4
Northern New South Wales - 2 -
North Queensland - 2 1
Northern Territory - - -
South Australia 6 1 2
Southern NSW - 1 1
South Queensland 6 8.5 14
Tasmania 2 - -
Victoria 3 4 8
Western Australia 1 1 1